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Cockton Hill Junior School

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  3. Maths


“Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.” Shakuntala Devi – Indian female writer known as the human-computer.

What is Maths?

Maths is the learning of numbers, amounts, shape and measure, and how they are related to each other and to the real world.

Maths at Cockton Hill Junior School:

Maths at CHJS focuses on the fundamental skills of fluency (recalling facts), reasoning (applying logical and critical thinking, explaining) and problem-solving (intellectual challenges to enhance understanding). It is a creative, curious and interconnected subject which provides many opportunities to reason and explain. It provides a foundation for understanding the world and is essential to everyday life. Within the everyday teaching of Maths lessons, we aim for all children to become confident mathematicians achieved through the use of a range of resources and practical equipment to present Maths in many different contexts.

Maths is taught daily and is structured in block teaching where each of the learning strands (for example, addition) is a sequenced journey of maths lessons. Small steps in learning ensure children have time to deepen their understanding and can articulate this. Stranded blocks are progressive, allowing the children to develop an ability to use their knowledge of mathematical concepts and ideas to a greater depth of understanding and complexity. We utilise White Rose Maths as a main structure to our teaching. 

Structure of Maths learning:

  • 5 daily lessons of Maths including 'flashback' tasks that continuously recap and revisit our previous learning.
  • Times table sessions: A focus on multiplication tables. We complete 3 x 15 minutes sessions per week focused on learning times tables in a variety of ways, including Times Tables Rockstars.
  • Year 4 and Year 5 access Mastering Number sessions through the Maths Hub. 
  • Flashback Arithmetic: 2 x 15 minute sessions per week. This helps us calculate questions at speed which focus on using the four operations. The four operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  • Key Instant Recall Facts: Each half term we have a focus based on Key Instant Recall Facts. These are the facts we expect children to be able to recall instantly to support their fluency in maths. This is a focus of home learning for our children. Please access the sheets below to support with learning these facts at home.

Curriculum Overview

Times Tables

Children are expected to know their times tables, in line with the National Curriculum, as follows:

By the end of Year 2 - 2x, 5x and 10x table

By the end of Year 3 - 3x, 4x and 8x table

By the end of Year 4 - 6x, 7x, 9x, 11x and 12x table

To know their times tables fluently, they must be able to answer questions instantly and know them out of order. They also need to be able to make the links to the division facts. Also ensure children understand the links between questions. So, if they know 5 x 2 = 10, they also know 2 x 5 = 10, 10 ÷ 5 = 2 and 10 ÷ 2 = 5.

In summer term of Year 4, children will complete their multiplication tables check (MTC) which is statutory for all Year 4 pupils. The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.

All children have a login to Times Tables Rockstars which can be used to support home learning with times tables. The sheets below also give further support with links to songs and games you can use to support children at home. 

Year 4 and Year 5 are currently following the NCETM Mastering Number at Key Stage 2 programme for times tables. 

Key Instant Recall Facts

Working in collaboration with Cockton Hill Infants' School, we have developed a Key Instant Recall Facts progression document, outlining the key facts we want pupils to be able to recall instantly meaning they have secured automaticity. Automaticity is important in maths to ensure pupils can reason and problem solve successfully. Each half term is a focus on a set of facts and this is also a focus of homework for that half term. Please support your child with learning these facts at home. The times table sheets above support for those terms where the focus is on multiplication and division facts. If you require any support with this, please see your child's class teacher. 

Please find below the sheets to support you with the facts children need to learn in each half term. Each year group has its own sheet.

Key Instant Recall Facts - Term 1a

Key Instant Recall Facts - Term 1b

Key Instant Recall Facts - Term 2a

Key Instant Recall Facts - Term 2b

Key Instant Recall Facts - Term 3a

Key Instant Recall Facts - Term 3b

Maths Coffee Mornings

Families were invited into school to join their children for 'Maths Coffee Mornings'. They focused on times tables, problem solving activities and maths games. Children enjoyed engaging with parents/carers who learnt more about how they could support their child at home with their maths learning. 

Parent/carer feedback:

"I really enjoyed coming into school and working with the children. It was a good opportunity to see how they learn."

"It was great to see the progress X is making in maths."

"It was good to see how I can help X learn her times tables at home."

Examples of our curriculum in action

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Year 6 used cubes to visually support them when looking at simple formulae in algebra.