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Cockton Hill Junior School

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  3. Careers


“Dreams are extremely important. You can’t do it unless you imagine it.” George Lucas

What is Careers?

The Careers Programme is preparation for the workplace by providing a clear understanding of the world of work. It raises aspirations for all pupils.

Careers at Cockton Hill Junior School:

While in Cockton Hill Junior School, we want our children to learn not only the academic subjects but to prepare them for life after school. This involves developing skills and attitudes for independence and looking ahead to the future and the world of work.

All classes take part in dedicated termly Careers and Aspirations lessons. Children explore their aspirations and their future life choices regarding employment. This is supplemented with links being drawn and explored through everyday teaching so pupils understand how their learning links to the knowledge and skills required in a range of different jobs.

As a school, we are working with North East Local Enterprise Partnership to continue to develop our careers curriculum, linking learning to the Career Benchmarks.

Our Careers Lead is Mr C Ball. He can be contacted on c.h.j@durhamlearning.net. We are always interested in extending our links with local businesses and meeting people who can share their expertise from the world of work. If you think you can help, please get in touch.

Our curriculum in action

Autumn Term

For our Autumn term careers focus, a range of visitors came into school to discuss their careers:
  • Clare Gibbons - The Auckland Project hospitality
  • George Burton - Police Officer
  • Colleen Waddingham - Veterinary
  • Tamar Dean and Sandra Smyth - NHS community nurses
  • Beth Robinson - football coach from Bishop Auckland Football Club
  • Clayton Lucas - Bishop Auckland College

Children engaged well by listening to these visitors and asking them questions about their jobs. Each year group focused on a question within careers:

  • Year 3 - What is a job? They learnt what a job is, why people have jobs and discussed future aspirations they have.
  • Year 4 - What is a job sector? Pupils explored what a sector was and how jobs are grouped together within a sector e.g. food production - farmer, chef.
  • Year 5 - What are STEM careers? Pupils investigated what STEM was and what jobs are linked with STEM.
  • Year 6  - What careers pathways are open to me? Clayton Lucas, a progression coach from Bishop Auckland College, explored the different pathways available including college, university, apprenticeships and vocational studies. 

Spring Term

For our Spring term careers focus, a range of visitors came into school to discuss their careers:
  • Georgia Hendry – Primary Learning Officer at The Auckland Project
  • Kelly Burns – Senior Constituency Support Officer for Sam Rushworth MP
  • Elle McGregor – Angels Trust (Charity)
  • Reyan Clarey – Sustainability Officer at CA Group
  • Clayton Lucas - Bishop Auckland College
Children engaged well by listening to these visitors and asking them questions about their jobs. Each year group focused on a question within careers:
  • Year 3 - What jobs are there in schools? Pupils discussed what jobs they already knew in schools. They looked at different schools within our community to see if all schools have the same jobs. Pupils discussed the different roles and responsibilities a job role in school has.
  • Year 4 - What skills do I have and what jobs would I be good at? Pupils explored the different skills and qualities a person may have and use in the workplace. Pupils looked at jobs linked to school subjects and what skills they required. Afterwards, pupils reflected upon themselves, thinking about the skills and qualities they already have.
  • Year 5 - What is further education? Clayton Lucas, a progression coach from Bishop Auckland College, explained to the pupils what further education is. He explained what courses were available at Bishop Auckland College. Afterwards, pupils researched the different places in Bishop Auckland we can do further education – Bishop Auckland College, St Johns and King James I Academy.  
  • Year 6  - What can I learn about higher education and life at university? Pupils explore what higher education is – looking at when people go, why people do higher education, where they can go in the North East of England for university and what they can do at university. Pupils chose one university within the North East to research what courses are available there and what job opportunities are available afterwards.

Additional information:

Labour Market Information for County Durham can be found at the Office for National Statistics at: https://www.nomisweb.co.uk/reports/lmp/la/1946157058/report.aspx with more information on employment sectors, qualifications in the area, businesses and workless households.

Other useful websites:

https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/ for careers guidance, skills assessments to find the job for you, information on study and pathways into different careers and finding out about different jobs available.

https://bacoll.ac.uk/ for information on the apprenticeships and courses run by Bishop Auckland College.

http://www.durhamsixthformcentre.org.uk/ for courses and learning offered by Durham Sixth Form Centre.

https://www.newcollegedurham.ac.uk/a-levels/ for apprenticeships and courses run by New College Durham

https://www.qeliz.ac.uk/ for courses and learning offered by Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College