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Y5 Curriculum Week at Bishop Barrington and King James

This week, Year 5 have visited Bishop Barrington and King James as part of curriculum week. The children have had the opportunity to take part in a range of lessons and activities. In Food, children baked and designed teddy bear cookies. In Music, children used drumsticks to play along with songs and used the keyboard when reading Music. In Maths, children explored problems linked to area and probability. In History, children explored chronology linked to the past and to themselves. In Geography, children focused on Australia and New Zealand (the hosts of the Women’s World Cup) using maps, compass directions and grid references. In science, the children designed a car out of a selection of materials that needed to be wind powered. In PE, we played bench ball and diamond cricket. In English, the children explored descriptions of monsters. Finally, in Art the children worked with a former illustrator to design and create their own monster character. The children have had lots of fun this week and have represented CHJS perfectly.